Exploration Archives at PPDM 2019
Talus Technologies is bringing Exploration Archives to the Professional Petroleum Data Expo in Houston, Texas April 9 -10, 2019. This new event, hosted by the Professional Petroleum Data Management (PPDM) Association, is expected to be highly interactive and engaging.
Professional data managers from across the oil and gas industry will be converging as one community to gain knowledge and learn from each other. This Expo is bringing leaders together to share their experiences in petroleum data management through presentations, discussions and interactive sessions. Plan to attend and learn about the latest innovations and techniques, network with others, attend workshops and learn about professional development opportunities.
As part of the Expo, Talus will be hosting a booth with OvationData to present the benefits of seismic data management and cloud storage. From time-saving workflows to reduced storage requirements, Exploration Archives improves petroleum data management for exploration companies around the globe. Visit us for a personal demonstration and discuss how Exploration Archives and the cloud can work for you
To learn more visit www.PPDM.org.