2018 User group meeting highlights

2018 User group meeting highlights

Talus Technologies hosted the 2018 Exploration Archives user group meeting in Houston on June 5 and 6. The event brought together all of our North American clients, a selection of European clients and other special guests. For clients unable to attend, Talus hosted several interactive webinars to ensure full participation.

Experts from the geoscience and data management community presented on topics that included managing entitlements, quality control procedures for field data, using the Catalog module and using the Data Request module. Talus Technologies presented live demonstrations of new features and screenshots of proposed developments. The open discussion and breakout groups following the presentations provided opportunity to collaborate on ideas and share feedback. Assessing priorities and discussing challenges gave Talus a clear understanding of the direction to follow for future developments.

Throughout the two-day event, attendees had access to a pilot version of Exploration Archives 4.0, giving them an exclusive preview of the next release.

Client relationships are the base of our business. Beyond building a great product, our goal is to improve procedures in all areas of data management for our clients.

~ Paul Thompson, Vice President
Talus Technologies

We look forward to hosting next year’s user group meeting, and thank everyone for attending and providing valuable input.

For more information about Exploration Archives, visit www.explorationarchives.com.